pondělí 21. března 2011

neděle 27. února 2011


Yes, that's right - this is going to be my personal webpage for this semester. It looks a bit clumsy but I'm going to adjust it every once in a while.. ..so, go and look. Right now it's in some kind of alpha stage.

pondělí 14. února 2011

1st Entry - AD20110214

First article

You know me - I'm Joey! Also known as JoeJesus on the internet - why? I'm not religious at all but I somehow look like that guy and people around me started to call me like that. Anyway - If you think that I'm that infamous space artist, you're right - look up my gallery : http://joejesus.deviantart.com/gallery/?sort=popularity&catpath=/&q=

You might find pictures like these: